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Mining Books

Distribution and Analyses of Gold and Silver in Mechanically Processes Mixed Electronic Scrap


Distribution and Analyses of Gold and Silver in Mechanically Processes Mixed Electronic Scrap


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Distribution and Analysis of Gold and Silver in Mechanically Processed Mixed Electronic Scrap

US Bureau of Mines Report RI8788

E-Waste has become a huge issue in todays market, and companies are making millions recovering precious metals from this scrap. Very little information on this subject is available to the public. The US Bureau of Mines which was closed in 1994 put several publications on how to recover these metals using various methods. This report covers recovery of Gold and Silver from Various Electronic Scrap material through mechanical separation (crushing and grinding) to most cost effectively recover the majority of the precious metals.

See our store for more of these reports.

* This document was digitally archived by Sylvanite, Inc. and is not to be used for resale or reproduction. You are not purchasing the original document but a PDF version downloadable as and Ebook



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