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Mining Books

New Mexico Mines & Minerals World Fair Edition


New Mexico Mines & Minerals World Fair Edition


Product Description


New Mexico Mines and Minerals

by Fayette Alexander Jones

1904 World Fair Edition 375 Pages

This is a very very rare publication. If you can find a copy it normally runs $400 to $500 per copy. This is probably one of the most complete publications on the mines of New Mexico written by Fayette Jones, who at the time visited all of the districts that are in this book. Lots of information and pictures of the district that you won't find anywhere else.


  • I. Geology. Our Fragmentary Knowledge of. Plutcau Region:

"Tooth of Time," Enchanted Mesa. Recent Lava Flows and

Their Effects. Cretaceous and Eruptive Areas. Vertical

Section of the Earth's Crust in New Mexico and Mineral

Bearing Horizons

  • II. Early Spanish Conquests for Gold. Expeditions of

Coronado and Other Adventurers and Their

Disappointments, Destruction of the Gran Quivira: Its

Buried Treasure. Early Mining History and Rec- >ords at

Santa Fe

  • III. Placers. The Various Fields of. Their Extent, Richness of

Gravels. Accumulations of Gold in the Bed of the Rio

Grande. Early and Present Placer Operations

  • IV. New Placers (Silver Buttes) District. The Old and New

Placers. Their Discovery and Primitive Methods of

Working. Ortiz Minc. Golder. San Pedro and Dolares

Camps. San Pedro Copper Mic.. Geology of Ore Deposits

of the District

  • V. Cerrillos (Galisteo) District. . Prehistoric Turquoise

Mining at Mount Chalchihuid (Tunquoise). Mina del

Tierra. Geology of the District.

  • VI. VI Central District its Early History and Mining- Santa

Rita and Hanover Copper Mines. Iron Deposits at Fierro

and Hunover. Re-cent Gold Strike at Gold Gulch. Lone

Mountain District. Mimbers District. Georgetown Silver

Mines. Carpenter District

  • VII. Pinos Altos District. Its Discovery. Fights with the Apache

Indians. Hardships in Pioneer Mining. Mines and Mills.

Silver Cell Mine

  • VIII. Silver or Chloride Flat (Silver City), White Signal (Cow

Creek), Bullard's Peak, Clark's Peak and Burro Mountains

Districts. Silver, Turquoise and Copper. Production


  • IX. Virginia (Shakespeare), Pyramid, Gold Hill, Malone,

Eureka (Ha chltaj, Fremont and Apuuhe No. 2 Districts.

Copy of an Old Dodger of the Early Days. A Glimpse of

Exciting Times in Mining. Advent of the Santa. Fe

Railway Gives an Impetus to General Mining Activity

  • X. Kimball (Stein's Pass), San Simon. California, Steeple

Rock (Car-lisle), Anderson and Telegraph Mining

Districts. Old Butterfield Stage Route. Death of Captain


  • XI. Organ, Doha And Mountains and Hembrillo Mining

Districts. Gold Camp. Black Mountain Stephenson-Bennett

Mine and its Early History. Torpedu and Little Buck

Mines. Geology of the Ore De posits

  • XII. Las Animas (Hillsboro), Pittsburg (Caballo Mountains)

and Iron Reef Districts. Discovery of Gold at Hillsboro and

Apache Canyon Blowing Gold from the Sand. Geological

Section Across Apache Canyon

  • XIII. Lake Valley, Macho and Bromide No. 1 (Tierra Binca)

Districts. The Celebrated Lake Valley Mine: Its Discovery,

History and Pro duction. The Bridal Chamber Occurrence

of the Ore. The Log Cabin Mine

  • XIV. Blank Ramge, Nos. 1 and 2, Palomas (Hermosa), Apache

No. 1, Cuchillo Negro (Limestone) and Sullivan's Hole

Districts, Embracing the Silver Camps of Kingston,

Hermosa, Chloride, Edwards and Grafton. Indian

Masseres. Hardships Suffered by the Pioneers. Silver

Monument Mine

  • XV. Jones, Hansonburg, Estey City, San Andreas, Little Burro

and Mock insr Bird Districts and Camps. Geological Notes

on the Iron and Copper Deposits. Historical Data 102

  • XVI. Socorro Mountain, Lemitar. San Lorenzo, Hanson

(Ladrone Mountain}. Canyoneito, Chupadero, Rosedale

and Red Hill Districts. Early Mining History. Geology and

Character of the Ores

  • XVlI. Magdalcna, Pueblo, Iron Mountain, Cat Mountain, Silvr

Mountain (Water Canyon) and Abbey Districts. Mount

Magdalena and Its Su perstitious. Discovery or the

Districts. Kelly and Graphic Mines. Council Rock,

Diservations on the Ore Deposits

  • XVIII. Cooney. Wilcox and Tellurium Districts. Discovery of the-

Cooney Mine. Death of J. C. .Cooney and William Wilcox

by Victorio's Band of Indians. Camps of Mogollon and

Graham. Production, Character and Geology of the Region

  • XIX. Moreno, West Moreno (Hematite), Uraca and Bonito and

Cimartoncito Districts, History of Discovery of Gold at

Elizabeth own and Baldy Mountain. Big (Lynch) Ditch.

Aztec Mine. Placer Fields and the Big Dredge

  • XX. Bed River; Black Copper, Keystone, Midnight, La Belle,

Rio Hondo; Cleneguilla, Copper Mountain and Picuris

Districts, Camps of Red liiver. Twining, Akinetic, South

Fork, Glen-Woody and La Belle. Rich Gold Strike at Red


  • XXI. Bromide, Hendstone (Hopewell), Copper Canyon and Ojo

Caliente Districts. Bromde Mine, Platinum in Tampa Mine.

Eureka Gulch Placers

  • XXII. White Mountain, Nogal, Bonito (Parsonsr, Eagle Creek

and Ruldoso, White Oaks, Jicarillia and Red Cloud

(Gallina Mountains) Districts. History, Geology and


  • XXIII. Cook's Peak, Florida, Tres Hermans, Canzitio Springs,

Victorio and Stonewall Districts, Early History of Cook's

Peak. Graphic, Destlemooa and Othello Mines. Jose Camp

and Pneumatic Concentrator Ores and Production 180

  • XXIV. Cochin Mining District. Bland, Peralta Canyon, Woodbury

Mill, AliiriuiiriK Mine and Mill Nacimiento Mining

District, Jura-Trias Copper Company. San Miguel District

and Mines

  • XXV. Mining Districts of the Sandia and Manzano Mountains.

Placitas, Sundia. Tijeras (Canyon, Coyote and Star (Hell

Canyon) and Manstunobbtrtcla 190

  • XXVI. Silver Hill {Jurilla) District, Turquoise Discoveries.

Assassination of De Mueles. Iron, Copper and Placer


  • XXVII.Las Vegas Districts of Selitre, San Pablo, San Miguel,

Tecolote, Mtineral Hill. Also Rociada, Coyote )Mora

County) and Miscellaneous Districts, Zunl Mountains.

Copperaton and the Guadalupe Mountains

  • XXVIII.Iron, Geology of Deposits. Localities and Analyses.
  • XXIX. Coal Chemistry of the Hydrocarbons. First Mention of

New Mexican Coal. Government Mine. Area of Fields:

Statistics and Analyses

  • XXX. Sult: Its Geology. Estonia Lakes and Crater Salt Lake
  • XXXI. Cement, Plaster and Lime. Pardand Cement. Other Types.

Cement Plaster. Slag Cement. Geology of the Gypsum

Deposits of New Mexieo. Technology of Gypstim at

Ancho. Analyses Plain of the White Sands 231

  • XXXII Clay, Brick and Stone. Clay Horizons. Crustiing and

Absorption, Tables of New Mexican Bricks. Analyses of

Clays. Classification of Building Stones. Formula of

Strength. Table of Crushing Strength. Analysis of Ricolite,

Ornamental and Lithographic Stone. Localities of Building


  • XXXIII Misca. Classification as toe Grades. Occurrence

and Localities. Sulphur. Localities. Otero's

Sulphur Works. Guano; Its Mode of Occurrence.

Pumice Stone and Tripolite. Ocher. Alum, the

Gila River Deposits

  • XXXIV. Gems and Precious Stones. Turquoise. Antiquity

of New Mexican Mines. Geology and Mode of

Occurrence. Quality, Localities

  • XXXV. XXXV. Petroleum. Aspbiiltum and Graphite
  • XXXVI. Radium and the Ores of Radio-Activity. Physical

Properties of Radium. Reflections on the

Ultimate State of Matter, Has the Alchemist's

Dream Been Realized: Notes on Some of the

Rarer Metals

  • XXXVII. Mineal Waters, Census of the Mineral Waters ot

New Mexico. Notes on the Early History or

Some of the Celebrated Springs. Medicinal

properties and Analyses

  • XXXVIII. Well {Artesian) and River Waters. An

Exhaustive Compilation of These Classes of

Waters with Analyses. Map Illustrating the Pecos

Valley Water Supply

  • XXXIX. Table of Altitudes. Embracing the Elevations of

All Important Lnnd Marks unit Points in New

Mexico, with the Authority of the Observation 327

  • XL. Census of New Mexican Minerals. Complete so

Far as Now Known, Statistical Tables on the

Production of Mines and Labor Employed for the

Year 1902

  • APPENDIX. Synopsis of the Mining Laws of the Territory of

New Mexico Gov- i?riiiii»: the Location and Relocation

of Mining Claims. Biographical

Sketches of Governor Otero and Board of


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